Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Ulitmate Pose Off...oh and a wedding

As mentioned earlier, our heartfelt congratulations go out to our cousin Emily and her new husband Wes. Had you not chosen the 15th of March to be wed, I would have never have gone down to Sierra Vista. And had I never gone to Sierra Vista that day I would have missed...

The Ultimate Pose Off .

Well, actually I did miss the Ultimate Pose Off. The Copper Classic, as it is formally known, was held at 5 PM in Sierra Vista and Teri promised me that if we were still in Sierra Vista at that time she would go with me and the boys. Curiously at 4:45 PM Teri just couldn't bear to be away from home any longer so we packed up the kids and went back home to Mesa.

It's really too bad. Highlighting the event were two guest posers - ages 79 and 73. These guys have a long history of going up against one another in bodybuilding contests. But 73 year-old Hank Diaz (below left) has only beaten 79 year-old Kent Marshall (below right) once.

Personally, I don't understand how that could be the case. True, neither guy looks his age, but I find Hank Diaz much more attractive than the Kent Marshall. But I guess I haven't gotten a good look at their abs - or their thighs.

Despite my enthusiasm for the Copper Classic's silver anniversary event Teri was probably right to decide to pack up and leave. Those events are pretty dangerous. There are lots of attractive women there, but if you get caught ogling they'll beat you up. I got a black eye trying to take this photo just last week - and that was from the skinny one on the left. Who knows what the guy on the right would have done to me?


Kristen said...

Okay, this is all I have to say: What the heck?!

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