I suppose our changes probably won't be as epic as these Presidential candidates' grandstanding, but they just might be more substantive. So just for kicks we're rolling out our predictions for 2008. I suppose it may be cheating to be predicting the course of the year when we have the head start of 27 days of 2008 down already. After all, who could have ever forseen that more people would vote for "Nobody" than Dennis Kucinich in the Michigan presidential primary election? And yet the campaign continues. Has anyone told that guy that you get more than a participant ribbon at the end of this thing? (What's that? Oh, I guess he finally quit.)
Anyway, here are my 2008 predictions:
I will keep up my goal to post at least 5 times a month. This is always kind of difficult for me because I try to make each blog post count. I could just slap down any old thing like, "Look at this Hannah Montana couch Kleenex box cover I found on eBay." but I expect a little more of myself. Plus, if I don't end up writing here I feel a drain in creative energy. But I am supremely confident that I can do this because I have a secret weapon...monkeys.
Yes, that's right. We purchased a thousand monkeys and a thousand typewriters and soon we will have both the great American novel and killer blog posts. The first monkey is done now. He writes, "It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times." You stupid monkey.
I will resume taking second place in fantasy baseball. For years I have played fantasy baseball in a variety of forms. Sometimes I've played in a rotisserre league, sometimes a points league, and sometimes a head-to-head league. Most of the time I get the same result - second place. I have more second place finishes than the Buffalo Bills. But last year broke my streak. I took first. I joined some general Yahoo fantasy league with a bunch of people I didn't know and I ended up winning. In the other league I played in I finished fourth - despite destroying everyone in the regular season. I can't say I'm really happy to go back to taking second, but hopefully my prediction will go wrong (in a good way.)
We will take on Dave Ramsey's advice. To those of you wondering who Dave Ramsey is, he's a fairly ordinary guy who has fairly common sense financial advice which when followed yields extraodrinary results. His advice boils down to this - put yourself in a good financial position. I highly recommend his book The Total Money Makeover. Even if you're doing well financially it's nice to just read some good common sense advice on the subject.
Sports Predictions:
Super Bowl: New England Patriots
World Series: Detriot Tigers
NBA Championship (not that anyone cares): Phoenix Suns
NHL Stanley Cup: Stanley Steemers (They've got the name on their side)
NCAA Men's Basketball: Witchita State Shockers
McKay will be talking like he kissed the Blarney Stone. McKay is already determined to try and talk, he just hasn't figured out too many words. But what he has figured out he does with great success. He knows his little brother's name is "Dibby," or "Giddy," or "Diddy." He knows "Daddy" and "Mommy." And he also knows a lot about animals. McKay's already trying to share that knowledge with his little brother by reading him the animal book and making all the sounds.
2008 will be good. Why? I don't know - call it a hunch. All I know is that Teri and I are excited to start another year of being together with our cute little boys. What could be better?
1 comment:
What a fun age McKay is at right now. Isn't it incredible how he seems to be growing smarter right before your eyes? It's good to hear that he's a great brother, too!
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