Here are seven things about me (and Teri).
1. Teri and I only went on two official dates before we got engaged. One was to the Diamondbacks vs. Dodgers game, where Teri freaked out when I explained infield defensive shifts by "drawing" a baseball diamond on her leg near her knee with my finger. Our second date was going on the paddle boats at Tempe Town Lake. The rest of the time Teri and I would just be with each other doing exciting things like watching the 2004 Olympic coverage every night, swimming, and playing Texas Hold 'em - where Teri would eat all of my high dollar chips (Starbursts).
2. If given the opportunity I will pump gas into my car exclusively from Pump #11 regardless of gasoline brand or station. I will use any other gas pump number if a) Pump #11 is broken, b) someone is already using Pump #11, c) I feel like I'm getting too neurotic for my own good or d) if Pump #11 is the diesel pump, ethanol pump, or something else that would ruin my car. I'm not particularly sure why I started doing that other than 11 has been my lucky number since before I left on my mission on August 11 and most good things have happened to me either in sets of 11 or on the 11th.
3. I am a sucker for certain TV shows - some good, some bad. For instance, I think it's funny when people ask me "Did you ever see the episode of the Office when..." because they should know that not only have I seen the episode, I own the DVD...and a Dwight K. Shrute bobblehead.
I also am planning a big get together of fellow Children of the 80s on January 6, 2008 because - yep, you guessed it - the new version of American Gladiators comes out on NBC. I'm still not sure about the blonde guy in front.
4. In 6th grade I was the student body president of Horizon Elementary School.
Apparently believing that the student body president actually meant something I tried my best to be active in the school politics. Looking back I suppose I was fairly successful. For instance, when the Principal cancelled the annual 6th graders vs. Faculty softball game because, as she announced it, "the faculty wasn't interested," I conducted my own poll of the faculty and found 12 teachers who were willing to play but had never been asked about it. I took my findings to the Principal (and the 6th grade teachers) and the game was reinstated. Unfortunately, there were 90+ 6th graders who signed up to play so I batted 77th. I never got up but I was happy that we had gotten to play. By the way, 6th grade won 11-7.
5. My top 5 radio stations are: Alternative Rock, News / Conservative Talk Radio, Hip-Hop, Top 40 of the past few decades, and Sports Talk Radio. It's kind of eclectic, but so are my tastes.
6. Teri and I have been married for three years come December 16th. Teri has been pregnant for half of our marriage.
7. When I graduated from BYU in 2003 and decided to go to Arizona State for law school I was heartbroken about leaving BYU right before the glory days of football began. Back then everyone was excited about the prospects of Ben Olson and Ofa Mohetau returning the Y to its prime form. Of course, now we know that the 2003, 2004, and 2005 seasons weren't that great; Ben Olson went to UCLA; and Ofa Mohetau transferred to Texas Tech and then disappeared.
As it turns out, ASU didn't work out too bad for me and I really didn't miss good BYU football because of law school. Now I just miss BYU football because the mtn. has adopted the Copper Hills High School motto. "We aspire to mediocrity...someday."
Tag You're It:
Andrea (Frost Yourself), Dallas, Scott and/or Heather, Matt, Jeremy & Brittaney, and Kristen.
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