Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup

The World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world and yet no one seems to care about it in the United States. Just last week our boss asked one of my co-workers to come up with a game that we could play to get into the World Cup spirit. NCAA bracket style games were out because of the World Cup's group play format. A support your favorite team idea was out because we're not sure if more than 1 person could name more than 5 teams in the World Cup this year and even if they could it would probably be just by guessing countries from Europe. So we decided to divide up the teams the most fair way we knew how - picking from a hat.

Given the relatively small cast of characters we work with we all got two teams. I ended up with Argentina and Holland. I have to say that when I picked Argentina I was pretty excited because I knew thay are a favorite this year, perhaps because the team has the best player in the world in Lionel Messi. He's now coupled with his infamous coach, Diego Maradona, who lead the Argentines to the 1986 World Cup with his Hand of God play and the Goal of the Century.

Holland, on the other hand, was a team I knew nothing about. Until I looked them up online I thought that one of the highlights of the Dutch soccer team this year was when the Dutch Pop Idol Stars stopped by to sing during halftime. Boy was I wrong. They're actually good. Who knew? Probably not anyone in the United States.

For picking out of a hat I'd say I got pretty lucky. So, on the eve of my first team's game - Holland v. Denmark is tomorrow morning - HUP HOLLAND! Whatever that means.

(The best part of this video is that apparently Holland does not have enough highlights to last out the entire song. Oops.)

Oh, and if you fall apart Holland, I'll still be able to fall back on my Argentinians. (My apologies to Canada for shwoing this video. I'm pretty sure I know why you didn't make it to the World Cup.)

1 comment:

Katie and Levi said...

Levi has been watching the world cup too! His team is Brazil. You know since he went there on his mission. And he hates Argentina...because they are good!

Congrats on you newest little one!