Friday, June 22, 2007

Non-Maricopa County Fun

Once again for work I had to take a trip outside of Maricopa County. This time the destination was Willcox, Arizona, a town best known for being the birthplace of Rex Allen. My father-in-law's family used to live in Willcox and he informs me that his family's claim to fame was that his dad beat up Rex Allen, apparently when they were both in school.

My mother-in-law can one up that story though. Her claim to fame is that when she was running a beauty salon in southeastern Arizona a woman came in bragging that she used to be Rex Allen's mistress, only to find out that the woman she was bragging to used to be Rex Allen's wife. Tension ensued.
Because Willcox is a fairly long drive to go there and back in one day I figured I would take along Teri and McKay for the ride. We all stayed over with Grandma and Grandpa and then I hit the road. Just as I was leaving town, I saw this billboard.

I already know what Matt is thinking. All Heroscape radio, all the time! And that's what I thought too. I mean look at this guy!

But alas, it was the Gila Valley's version of the greatest hits of today and yesterday. I did hear the Fugees though and oh did that bring back memories.

One important take-away from this week's trip was that McKay is learning at a young age what is important in life. He made me proud when he did his best Scott Spiezio impression.

Thanks McKay. Daddy loves you! Go Cardinals!


The Llewellyn's said...

that was hilarious, too bad it wasn't heroscape radio, otherwise we might have considered moving there just for that station!! great pic of McKay, he sure is funny

Chris said...

That guy must be at least a level 4 Dungeon Master! Did you see those lightning bolts! Wow!

Great story! We loved it. The picture of McKay is even better. Thanks for the entertainment.